Empowering Writers Like You


“I always recommend Craft with Kat to fellow writers; Kat has a preternatural ability to break craft and structure into understandable and actionable components . . . Any writer looking to generate or revise their query letter toward results should use Kat’s editorial services.”

Tanya Žilinskas

“Craft with Kat consistently offers practical, actionable, and encouraging insights about plot structure and thematic development. Kat's strategies have helped me to escalate story tension and intensify emotional depth in my novel. I can't recommend these craft lessons highly enough!”

Laura Steadham Smith

“Kat Lewis is by far one of the best instructors I have ever had the pleasure of learning from. This is the second class of hers that I have attended. I can confidently say that her teaching and feedback have made me a much better writer than I ever would have been without it. She not only taught us about the writing process, but she went above and beyond to provide an inside look into the industry and prepare us for our futures. I feel much more ready to start my writing career, and I owe so much of it to Kat.”

Former Student at University of South Florida

“Kat Lewis uses highly innovative methods to surpass classroom expectations.”

Dr. Norbert Elliot, University of South Florida

“Kat has an amazing eye for language and storytelling, and just as importantly, the skill to communicate feedback in a supportive and eye-opening way to strengthen my vision. I would highly recommend working with Kat on improving your craft as she is a fantastic instructor.”

Mingshu D.

“Query letters are so hard, but I have a much clearer vision for mine after receiving Kat’s feedback! Not only did she ask specific questions to help me think deeper about my pitch, she also provided concrete examples to illustrate concepts, which, as a visual person, I always find so helpful.”

Carmen C.

“I've now spent two semesters with Kat as an instructor and she's absolutely phenomenal. I've learned so much about writing and creating lasting stories through her and she's the first instructor I recommend to anyone looking into creative writing.”

Former University of South Florida Student

“I am so grateful for Kat’s help and advice on my query letter! She helped strengthen and polish my writing, and best of all, she knows exactly what agents look for and what to emphasize. The first time I sent it out, I received a request for a full manuscript! Kat is an exceptional teacher in all areas. Her paid newsletters are always helpful. I know I am a much better writer now, thanks to Kat. ”

Catherine B. Hooper

“Kat’s lessons have really helped me with structuring my story and understanding how story works. I have also found her publication journey to be very enlightening. I have learned a lot from her. I am especially grateful to have had her help with my MFA applications. She gave me a lot of practical advice on my statement of purpose and helped me position myself better as an applicant.”

Haein J.

“I look forward to Kat’s craft lessons so much! Her thought-provoking questions help me identify the most compelling elements of the story arc, and to eliminate scenes that don’t develop the characters or advance the plot.”

Chris Bailey

Your Partner in Learning

About Kat

Hi there! I’m Kat Lewis, and I’m thrilled you’re interested in learning more about creative writing.

Here at Craft with Kat, I use my professional experience as a fiction writer and video game narrative designer to demystify the writing process. Our courses take the “mushiness” out of writing with concrete, step-by-step lessons that guide you through everything from story structure to the business of publishing.

Before I started this school, I was a college instructor at the University of South Florida where  I designed and taught upper-level creative writing courses. I’m also the founder of Craft with Kat, a bestselling Substack newsletter with practical craft lessons for writers. Over the years, I have helped countless students master the art of writing. 

In our Query Letter Master Class, you’ll learn how to write a query letter and navigate the querying process from beginning to end. Together, we’ll take the next step in your writing journey, and I’m so excited to see you transform into the writer you’re meant to become.


5 star rating

Comprehensive and Motivating

Darise JeanBaptiste

Super thorough from start to finish and really helpful for writers at any stage of the process. There are so many insider tips that Kat shares, which makes the course feel one of a kind. It's all right here! I especially appreciate the sample quer...

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Super thorough from start to finish and really helpful for writers at any stage of the process. There are so many insider tips that Kat shares, which makes the course feel one of a kind. It's all right here! I especially appreciate the sample query letters. I feel motivated to write my query letter and send it out with all the new info I learned here.

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